refer your neighbors

Refer Your Neighbors

Star Home Watch Services is looking for other great clients like you! Tell your neighbors about the through and trustworthy home watch we provide and receive your next scheduled visit free of charge if they sign up and mention your name.

Storm Shutter Installation and Take Down

Star Home Watch Services offers single story install of your shutters prior to your departure or start of hurricane season and take down upon your return or end of hurricane season. Hurricane season is June 1 until November 30.  We can not guarantee install if a tropical event is approaching SW Florida and the homeowner did…

Storm Home Condition Reports

Hurricane season is June 1 until November 30 with the peak of hurricane season occurring between mid-August and late October. Owning a home in Florida’s paradise means the threat of tropical storms and hurricanes as well as daily thunderstorms.  Hurricane season is June 1 until November 30 with the peak of hurricane season occurring between mid-August and late October.…